Worchester Subnetting Configurations


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Cisco Network Proposal for  xACME Educational Typology

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Table of Contents
Cisco Network Proposal    2
Part 1    2
1.0 Springfield Device and STP Configurations    2
1.1 Springfield Device    2
1.2 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Configurations    2
Part Two.    3
2.0 Worchester Subnetting Configurations and Boston Site Protocol, Route Summarization, and Topology Improvement    3
2.1 Worchester Subnetting Configurations    3
2.2 Boston Site Protocol    4
2.3 Route Summarization    4
2.4 Topology Improvement    5
2.5 Boston Site Configuration    5
Part Three.    6
3.0 Sacramento Site VLAN, Routing on a Stick(ROS) and DHCP Implementation, Los Angeles Site Management Technologies, xACME WAN – WAN Implementation and Security Communications    6
3.0 Sacramento Site    6
3.1 VLANs    6
3.2 Routing on a Stick (ROS)    7
3.3 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP )    8
3.4 Los Angeles Site Management Technologies    9
3.5 Remote IOS Storage:    9
3.6 Remote Management of Switches    10
3.7 Configuring SSH on Los Angeles site    10
3.8 Access Control List (ACL)    10
3.9 Configuring ACL on LOS Angeles site    11
3.10 Network server protocol (NTP)    11
3.11 Configuring NTP    11
4.0 References    13

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