Evaluating a Qualitative Study of Juvenile Delinquency


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Evaluating a Qualitative Study of Juvenile Delinquency

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Evaluating a Qualitative Study of Juvenile Delinquency. For this assignment, find one qualitative research study examining Juvenile Delinquency. Make sure the article utilizes primary data
collection and there is a methods and results section understanding of qualitative methods, and using Evaluating the Research Design in a  Qualitative Research Report.
Name the research design used and why it was likely selected by the
Describe the sampling strategy used and provide a rationale for selection.
What types of data did the authors collect (interviews, observations,
What were the advantages and disadvantages of the method of data collection used?
Evaluate how ethical recruitment and data collection were ensured.
Evaluate a Qualitative Study of Juvenile Justice
Assess credibility and the quality if the study. Will you retain it for
your literature review?

Evaluating a Qualitative Study of Juvenile Delinquency

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