Wescott Products


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Wescott Products

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Case Study: Wescott Products.Whenever Jason Roberts thought about going to work on Friday morning, he started to get a little knot in his stomach. Jason had recently accepted the job as operations
manager for a small manufacturing company that specialized in a line of assemble-to-order products. When he accepted the job he was a recent graduate of a business pro-gram where he specialized in operations. He had done fairly well in his classes and had emerged as a confident, self-assured person who was sure he could handle such a job in a small company.


This leaves you to help Jason. Specifically, you need to do the following:
1. Discuss the nature and probable sources of the problem here.
2. Examine the rough-cut capacity situation using the data Jason gathered. Discuss
the results and how they are linked to the problems identified in question 1.
3. Use the information and your knowledge of the situation to develop a complete
plan for Jason to use in the future. Part of this plan should be to build and
demonstrate the approach to master scheduling for the data given in the case.

Wescott Products

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