Week Discussion 2 Star Review Experiment


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Week Discussion 2 Star Review Experiment

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Choose 2 companies from the same type of hospitality or tourism organization. For example, two restaurants, two hotels, etc. Review their profile on Google or Yelp and answer the following questions.

Provide the name of the two companies and the reputation sites you used.
Compare and contrast their profiles (for example: which has more reviews, how do their star ratings compare, how do their Google profiles compare regarding customer information?
Based on their reviews, which option would you choose? Why?
Why are reviews important?
As the marketing manager, how would you manage the reviews?
Discussion Board Requirements:

A minimum of 300 words for initial post.


Week Discussion 2 Star Review Experiment

Order 100% Plagiarism Free Paper Now

Choose 2 companies from the same type of hospitality or tourism organization. For example, two restaurants, two hotels, etc. Review their profile on Google or Yelp and answer the following questions.

Provide the name of the two companies and the reputation sites you used.
Compare and contrast their profiles (for example: which has more reviews, how do their star ratings compare, how do their Google profiles compare regarding customer information?).
Based on their reviews, which option would you choose? Why?
Why are reviews important?
As the marketing manager, how would you manage the reviews?
Discussion Board Requirements:

A minimum of 300 words for initial post.

Week Discussion 2 Star Review Experiment

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