Individual Research Paper Assignment


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Individual Research Paper Assignment

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Model Ethical System for the Accounting Profession. The chosen ethical system can be one of the six discussed in the Reflection Paper Assignment, or it can be a hybrid of two or more of the systems discussed in the Reflection Paper Assignment.  The student will prepare a paper that will describe the ideal ethical decision-making model for the accounting profession. The model described will contain four main elements: (a) ability, (b) benevolence, (c) integrity, and (d) professional judgment. These topics have been discussed in one way or another throughout the course. They were also summarized in the Week 7 presentation.


The paper must contain the following core components:

  1. Begin the paper with a strong introduction, including a thesis statement.
  2. Summarize the key components of the chosen ethical system (or hybrid system).
  • egoism
  • enlightened egoism
  • utilitarianism
  • deontology
  • justice
  • virtue ethics

    Individual Research Paper Assignment

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  1. Thoroughly discuss and present each element of the ethical decision-making model (ability, benevolence, integrity, and professional judgment) as it relates to the chosen ethical system (or hybrid system). The discussion must have strong support from the professional literature and scholarly sources.
  2. Evaluate the ethical decision-making model with respect to the following:
    1. AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
    2. A Christian Worldview
  3. Conclude the paper with a summary of findings.

The paper must be 5-7 typewritten, double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins and in current APA format. The font you choose must be Times New Roman 12 point.

The paper must include references from at least 9 different scholarly sources. Note that the course textbook may be one of the 9 scholarly sources used. You will also use the Bible in your analysis, but it will not count as one of the 9 scholarly sources for the assignment. Be sure to include a title page and reference page(s) in addition to the body of your paper. The title page and reference page(s) do not count as part of the length requirement.

Individual Research Paper Assignment

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