N496 week 1 assignment


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N496 week 1 assignment

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Leadership and Managing


This week you reflected upon the difference between a manager and a leader and discussed this concept with your classmates and professor in the discussion board. In a written essay please answer the following questions:


What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?

Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made up individuals or examples you have seen without any identifying information. Discuss how the staff of each individual would be affected by the skills of the leader/manager.

Complete the Emotional Intelligence Test Discuss your scores and what they mean. What did you learn about yourself as a leader? (Note that a 10 on the EI test means strong. On the score page, click on the blue “here” under “interpreting your GEIT scores, click here” for more information on each section and what it means.



N496 week 1 assignment

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