Interrelationships of Socio-Cultural Influences in Healthcare


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Interrelationships of Socio-Cultural Influences in Healthcare

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The Interrelationships of Socio-Cultural Influences in Healthcare
Within this activity, you will explore how determinants of health such as poverty, behavior, education, and income are related. One common element underlies poor health: poverty. Money is required to purchase the essentials of health such as food, clothing, shelter, clean water, education, and access to preventative health services. Each day in nursing, you are faced with persons from varying economic, social, and cultural backgrounds. In addition to varying backgrounds, you will also experience differing patient values and preferences related to their individual health and behavior. Caring for the vulnerable, at-risk, and aging populations is an essential competency for nursing. Therefore, we need to explore the interrelationships of socio-cultural influences, behavioral influences, as well as economic and non-economic barriers to healthcare to improve our knowledge. In doing so, we will be able to plan specific interventions designed to help achieve healthier outcomes.
The scenario asks to interview the mayor, he talks about childhood-obesity-related health disparities. The Mayors is working with community health centers and the hospital, as well as with teachers and parents in providing educational programs to address concerts. He believes it is important to connect health to other city priorities, such as economic development and public safety. Information about services provided, teen pregnancies, and there is also information about the day care food plan at the ABC Day Care Center and community food bank.
Activity Instructions:
Review resources.
Review World Health Organization (2017). The determinants of health. Retrieved from
Review Healthy People 2020 (Jan 25, 2017). Health Determinants. Retrieved from
select a specific vulnerable or minority population group and identify one of the most common diseases, chronic condition, injury, or health concern that impacts your population group. Then list a total of 3 determinants of health from the Healthy People website.

Describe 1 observation related to the 3 selected determinants of health. (a total of 3 observations must be described). Note indicators of high or low employment. Consider education levels, number of female head of households, and median household incomes for example. Finally, describe a total of 3 strategies or evidence-based recommendations to help reduce or eliminate the selected observations noted:

Interrelationships of Socio-Cultural Influences in Healthcare

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Additional Instructions:
All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Grading rubric
Selects a vulnerable population group and describes a health concern that impacts the specific population group. Uses evidence-based rationale to support discussion. :Selects a vulnerable population group and describes a health concern that impacts the specific population group. Uses evidencebased rationale to support discussion.

List 3 determinants of health (must choose from Healthy People website) and describe the type of each ; List 3 determinants of health (must choose from Healthy People website) and describe the type of each

Describes 1 observation in Sentinel City® related to the 3 selected determinants of health (a total of 3 observations must be described): Describes 1 observation in Sentinel City® related to the 3 selected determinants of health (a total of 3 observations must be described).

Describe a total of 3 evidence based recommendations or interventions/strategies (1 for each of the observations) to help reduce or eliminate the selected observations within Senario
No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation.


Interrelationships of Socio-Cultural Influences in Healthcare

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