IHP 501 Reflection Journal 10-2 Discussion


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 IHP 501 Reflection Journal 10-2


“Global health implies a global perspective for public health” meaning that the health of population on a global context and that transcends the perspectives and concerns of individual nations (Holtz 2017 p.3). Geography is a major driver of access to healthcare, especially in the global setting” (Edmondson, McCarthy, Trent-Adams, McCain & Marshall 2017 p. 4). To put it simply, there is no need to re-invent the wheel or implement new solutions to global health problems for developing countries. It will take the global health communities to come together with the support of policymakers to commit the much-needed resources and enact supportive policies to bring about global solutions. It also takes advocacy as well ingenuity to ensure that existing solutions benefit those in developed and undeveloped countries to achieve a global effect.

Advocacy in Global Health

Future Profession





 IHP 501 Reflection Journal 10-2

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