Explain how the speaker’s delivery adds or detracts the message


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Explain how the speaker’s delivery adds or detracts the message

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SPH 101: Field Assignment. There are many instances of public speaking in everyday life—whether it is an address in the school auditorium by the principal, a church sermon, a city council meeting, or a toast at a wedding. Choose a public speaking event to attend and take careful notes of the speaker’s delivery. Write a one-page (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font)
report of your observations including how effective you believe the speaker’s overall delivery was. Be specific and give
examples as you analyze the speaker’s vocal communication and physical actions. The following is a guide for your
notes and for the structure of your report.
Where was the speech presented? _________________________________________________________
What was the occasion for the speech? _____________________________________________________
Vocal Communication: Record your observations about each of the following aspects of the speaker’s voice.
Vocal variety__________________________________________________________________________
Pronunciation _________________________________________________________________________
Physical Action: Record your observations about each of the following aspects of the speaker’s physical actions.
Personal appearance____________________________________________________________________
Eye contact___________________________________________________________________________
Overall Evaluation of Delivery: Explain how the speaker’s delivery added to or detracted from the message.
What It Means for Me: Explain at least two techniques of delivery used by the speaker that you might want to try in your
next speech. You might also comment on an ineffective technique that you can avoid


Explain how the speaker’s delivery adds or detracts the message

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