N494 Module 8 Assignment: Signature Assignment


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N494 Module 8 Assignment: Signature Assignment

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Practice Change Simulation

Assignment Description:

Create a 7-9 minute video that reflects upon the clinical problem that you have identified in your area of nursing practice (as identified in Module 1). Critically appraise the research and summarize the knowledge available on the clinical problem (minimum requirement of 6 scholarly journal articles reviewed and appraised for application to practice problem). Outline a strategic plan for implementation of a practice change in your clinical practice environment based upon your findings. Describe how you intend to operationalize the practice change in your practice environment. What theoretical model will you use and how will you overcome barriers to implementation? What sources of internal evidence will you use in providing data to demonstrate improvement in outcomes? Describe evaluation methods of implementation clearly. Are there any ethical considerations?

The presentation should be a simulation of what you would present to your unit staff in effort to gain buy-in as you initiate the practice change your area of practice. You may use www.screencast-o-matic.com to record your presentation. Or you may use any other software to record it in an mp4 format. Please submit the recording or a link to your published recording in the dropbox.

If PPT is used for the presentation, include the reference slide; if no PPT used in presentation, please submit a list of the references in a Word document utilized to develop the presentation in APA format to the Drop Box in a separate submission (be sure to orally cite your sources if no PPT is used to identify the sources)

Below are instructions on how to upload your video to Youtube:

Sign in/Sign Up to YouTube. (if you have a Gmail Account you can use that information for your Youtube Channel)

At the top of the page, click Upload.

N494 Module 8 Assignment: Signature Assignment

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Select Upload video.

Before you start uploading the video, you can choose the video privacy settings.

Select the video you’d like to upload from your computer. You can also import a video from Google Photos.

As the video is uploading, you can edit both the basic information and the advanced settings of the video and decide if you want to notify subscribers (if you uncheck this option, no communication will be shared with your subscribers). Partners will also be able to adjust their Monetization settings. You can have a title up to 100 characters and a description up to 5,000 characters.

Click Publish to finish uploading a public video to YouTube. If you set the video privacy setting to Private or Unlisted, just click Done to finish the upload or click Share to privately share your video.

If you haven’t clicked Publish, your video won’t be viewable by other people. You can always publish your video at a later time in your Video Manager.

Once your video is successfully Uploaded copy the link to a Microsoft Word Document and save it. Submit the document into the Dropbox and notify your instructor once it is successfully Uploaded.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 7-9 minute presentation (with or without PPT slides); if no PPT used submit APA Reference list separately

Structure: If PPT used: Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. There is no specific slide number required.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of six (6) scholarly journal articles are required for this assignment.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.

N494 Module 8 Assignment: Signature Assignment

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