Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment


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Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
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Mobile diabetes remote monitoring and self-management

Intervention or treatment tool

Mobile diabetes remote monitoring and self-management is a vital tool for managing diabetes in both children and adults (Istepanian & Al-anzi 2018). Research shows that m-health presents a vital and a pivotal opportunity for relieving the massive global healthcare challenges and fiscal burdens relating to diabetes and broad complications. For the patient, the m-Health allows the patient to undertake a critical function in their diabetes self-management and care process. The app is also essential when it comes to enhancing better education and disease awareness. Smart Glucose Manager (SGM) is an android-centered mobile app that consists of exclusive modules to remind patients to monitor blood glucose, take drugs and eat on time, and engage in physical activities promptly (Gunawardena, Jackson, Robinett, Dhaniska, Jayamanne, Kalpani & Muthukuda, 2019).

Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
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