COM 263 Week 5 Assignment
COM 263 Week 5 Assignment Details: COM 263 Week 5 Assignment. Choose a film that represents interactions between at least two distinct cultures. The film must be approved by the instructor. As you watch the film, take notes on the nonverbal cues that the characters in the film exhibit. Be […]
COM 263 Week 4 Assignment
COM 263 Week 4 Assignment COM 263 Week 4 Assignment. This section should be 500-750 words. Research important elements of your selected culture’s language that are important to understand in order to understand the culture (syntactics, semantics, phronology, pragmatics). Attend a group gathering or event that is prominent in your […]
COM 263 Week 3 Assignment
COM 263 Week 3 Assignment Details: COM 263 Week 3 Assignment. In 750-1,000 words, research and explain what factors influence the individual and collective identities of members of your selected cultural group. Consider the following examples of important factors to address: How do people from the cultural group communicate their […]
COM 263 Week 2 Assignment
COM 263 Week 2 Assignment Details: COM 263 Week 2 Assignment. This assignment builds on Part 1. You will continue to focus your research on the cultural group you selected in Topic 1. Write 500-750 words in response to the following: Clarify the definitions as well as compare and contrast […]
COM 263 Week 1 Assignment
COM 263 Week 1 Assignment Details: COM 263 Week 1 Assignment. Select a culture that has an established community/presence in your area/city/state. You will focus your research throughout the semester on learning about this group. Create a presentation using PowerPoint or another tool with your instructor’s approval. A minimum of […]
COM 263 Week 2 Discussion
COM 263 Week 2 Discussion COM 263 Week 2 Discussion 1 COM 263 Week 2 Discussion. Reflect on your responses to the PRICA self-assessment in the textbook. How does your worldview influence the level of apprehension you feel when communicating with people from other cultures? COM 263 Week 2 […]
Summary of Articles
Summary of Articles Description Summary of Articles. With the construction of the 10 Strategic Points for your dissertation study, you began to draft the literature review (Point 2) of the study to illuminate an identified gap in the literature to be filled by your dissertation study. While the literature review […]
Meet the Brown Family
Meet the Brown Family Brown Family: Meet the Brown Family. Mary: 44 mother; Patrick: 42 father, Michael: 9 son; MaryKate: 7 daughter; Paddy: 4; Tommy: 4 son (fraternal twins). Also living with the family are Mary’s parents Katie: 65 maternal grandmother and John: 75 maternal grandfather. Setting: large urban city […]
Discussion Part One
Discussion Part One Setting Discussion Part One . Large urban city family practice clinic which employs physicians and nurse practitioners. Part 1 Today is another busy in your family practice clinic. You note your next visit is a work in for ear pain. The patients are a set of four year […]
Clinical Preparedness Exam
Clinical Preparedness Exam Clinical Preparedness Exam. Define diagnostic reasoning What is subjective data? What is objective data? Components of HPI Why must every procedure code have a corresponding diagnosis code? What are the three components required in determining an outpatient office visit E&M code? What is medical coding? … medical billing? […]