week 2 Discussion
week 2 Discussion week 2 Discussion. Locate and complete the Self-Assessment of the AACN Essentials located in Doc Sharing (Week 2). Follow the directions on the form. Note your total score. Next, review the article cited below: Kramer, M., Schmalenberg, C., Maguire, P., Brewer, B., Burke, R., Chmielewski, L., […]
week 7 Discussion
week 7 Discussion week 7 Discussion Post. Our Future Leaders (graded) In Huston’s (2010) brief, but impressive article (required reading this week), the author outlines several leadership competencies that EVERY nurse leader will need for 2020. That year is not too far in the future, is it? Select one […]
week 3 assignment
week 3 assignment Purpose week 3 assignment . The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to identify and effectively manage conflicts that arise in care delivery settings resulting in better management of patient care, including appropriate delegation. You will gain insight into conflict management strategies and develop a […]
week 4 assignment
week 4 assignment week 4 assignment week 4 assignment Nursing Care Models . The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess […]
Week 6 assignment Performance Measurement Presentation
Week 6 assignment Performance Measurement Presentation Week 6 assignment Performance Measurement Presentation Week 6 assignment Performance Measurement Presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to locate and compare performance measurement data on common health conditions for the hospitals in your area. You will investigate the Centers for Medicare and […]
week 5 Assignment
week 5 Assignment week 5 Assignment . This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to continue development of a MSN EBP scholarly project that started with the identification of a nursing concern and PICOT/PICo question from Week 2. The focus of this assignment is to discuss the research-based literature […]
week 5 Assignment
week 5 Assignment week 5 Assignment . This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to continue development of a MSN EBP scholarly project that started with the identification of a nursing concern and PICOT/PICo question from Week 2. The focus of this assignment is to discuss the research-based literature […]
week 5 Assignment
week 5 Assignment week 5 Assignment . This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to continue development of a MSN EBP scholarly project that started with the identification of a nursing concern and PICOT/PICo question from Week 2. The focus of this assignment is to discuss the research-based literature […]
Week 8 Threaded Discussion
Week 8 Threaded Discussion Week 8 Threaded Discussion.The lesson for Week 8 asks you to objectively reflect on your current use of evidence-based practice. Throughout this course you have worked hard and created a template for an EBP project proposal. Rather than look to the past, this discussion asks you […]
Week 7 Threaded Discussion
Week 7 Threaded Discussion Week 7 Threaded Discussion.Using the following steps found within the translation phase of the Practice Evidence Translation (PET) model developed by Johns Hopkins, select a research result reported in a journal article that supports your PICOT/PICo question. Please respond to the following steps. Please note that […]