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Australia’s Northern Territory Write a Marketing Plan to rebrand NT


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Australia’s Northern Territory Write a Marketing Plan to rebrand NT

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Develop an Individual Report (Assignment) to Answer the IDM Brief. This
year’s IDM Brief is about StudentUniverse (in the context of Australia’s
Northern Territory).

Objective of the IDM brief is given below:

Creating a campaign that will deliver at least 350 bookings, from UK
travellers to the NT, booked via the StudentUniverse website. Your
campaign will start in the June, and convert to bookings to the Northern
Territory in the following August.

Considering the objective of the IDM brief, develop an Individual
Assignment involving the following components: Campaign Plan; KPIs &
Recommended Measurement; and Database Strategy.

Also, while developing the assignment, assume that the Coronavirus
pandemic has not occurred.

Please read the instructions and powerpoint slides, they tell you
exactly what to write in each section. Also please only use digital
marketing channels (Email, Social Media, Google search word etc) to
promote campaign as the module is ‘direct and digital marketing’
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Australia’s Northern Territory Write a Marketing Plan to rebrand NT

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