Week 3 Discussion: Mediation in the Workplace


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Week 3 Discussion: Mediation in the Workplace

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Week 3 Discussion: Mediation in the Workplace. Mediation is an effective, collaborative, conflict resolution method that, although informal and voluntary, still requires the agreement and commitment to the process from both parties. HR professionals can use mediation as a tool to promote more effective communications and
understanding among employees in the workplace. As the mediator, the HR professional can facilitate the process, keep the lines of communication open, and assist the parties with arriving at a mutually satisfying solution to a workplace disagreement or dispute.
Explain when HR professionals might use mediation in the workplace. Include at least one example.
Discuss how mediation differs from negotiation as an approach for resolving conflict.
As an HR professional, describe challenges you might face related to using mediation and/or negotiation in the workplace

Week 3 Discussion: Mediation in the Workplace

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