COM200 Week 1 Assignment Basic Principles of Effective


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COM 200 COM200 Week 1 Assignment Basic Principles of Effective/Competent Communication Paper

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Ashford COM 200 Week 1 Assignment Basic Principles of Effective/Competent Communication Paper

Basic Principles of Effective/Competent Communication Paper. Due by Day 7. Before you submit this assignment, you must do the following preparatory work:


• Do the Week 1 Paper training and take the quiz demonstrating you understand what is expected of you on this paper.

• Watch Understanding the Paper Grading Rubrics 

• Read the Sample Week 1 Paper. 

Week 1 Assignment Instructions

During this class, you will interact in discussion forums, take quizzes, and complete writing assignments to address each of the following learning objectives:

• Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications.

• Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem.

• Differentiate appropriate levels of self-disclosure and emotional intelligence in various relationships. • Describe strategies for using communication techniques to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

• Analyze the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications.

For this assignment you will be required to:

Explain, drawing on Chapter 1 in Bevan and Sole (see section 1.4 specifically), two basic principles of 

competent/effective interpersonal communication. These include taking responsibility for your behavior, sharing meaning, acknowledging your view is only one, respecting others and yourself, and practicing being a competent communicator.

Describe an instance of miscommunication that illustrates one or more of these principles. If absolutely necessary, you can use a hypothetical exchange. Be sure to give precise details so it is clear what went wrong. 

Competent Communication Paper

Identify one or more barrier that caused this miscommunication. To give you some examples, it can be things like culture, ideas of the self, or various types of noise that disrupted the receipt of the message. 

Explain how the barrier(s) interrupted the process of successful communication and how these barriers 

can be overcome based on what you’ve learned in this course.

To get much more instruction about how to approach this task, including a precise examples, click Week 1 Paper Training (in the classroom).

When you’ve completed the first draft of your paper, use the grading rubric to assess how you did. If you see weaknesses in any section, spend some additional time with that section.

The Basic Principles of Effective/Competent Communication paper

 Must be two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted 

according to APA style. For assistance, visit the Ashford Writing Center’s Introduction to APA.

 Must include a title page with the following (for further assistance with the formatting and the title page, 

please refer to the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Word 2013):

COM200 Week 1 Assignment Basic Principles of Effective

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