Discuss HRD approach and explain how this could be improved.


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Discuss its approach to HRD and explain how this could be improved.
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Task 1
Discuss HRD approach and explain how this could be improved. Drawing on relevant models, analyse the approach of the company to the
management of its human resources.
Task 2
Critically discuss its recruitment and selection in relation to
strategic human resource initiatives. Make relevant recommendations as
to how it could improve this process.
Task 3
Discuss its approach to HRD and explain how this could be improved.
Task 4
Critically evaluate the classical theories of motivation and from your
discussion of these theories propose a hybrid theory which may combine
the most meaningful characteristics from a range of these theories and
which you believe will have practical value in this organisation.
Task 5
In your advice to the company discuss the characteristics of effective
leaders. Draw on relevant models to justify your analysis.

Discuss HRD approach and explain how this could be improved
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