covid-19 Assignment


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 covid-19 Assignment

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This assignment comes in 2 parts.
1st one is :
Background information about your client and you have to cover 3 things :
A-o Name (Pseudonym), age, marital status, health condition(s), job
status (active, retired, volunteer, etc), place of residence (suburb,
not address), other relevant information (e.g. English as a second

B- General impression of the interview (200 words): you need to present
a summary of the interview, regarding the interviewee’s mood,
participation, positive attitude to certain topics or avoidance of
others, etc.

C– Notes about the interview: Interviewer (use your student number),
place, date, length. You can refer to any potentially relevant feature
impacting the interview as well, e.g. background noise. (100 words)

2nd part is to complete AOTA OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE TEMPLATE ” it has been
attached in this order.

*we have to follow require word limits no more .
*Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists TEMPLATE been attached
is a guide of what kind of questions u need to ask but not required to

for this question “Why is the client seeking service” . we are students
doing this as part of class work , so no actual service provided but you
can cover how covid-19 affect client physical and social things

covid-19 Assignment

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