Suspicious Activity Reports: potential treasure trove for plaintiffs and attorneys


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Suspicious Activity Reports are a potential treasure trove
for plaintiffs and their attorneys

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Essay Question”
“Thus, SARs [Suspicious Activity Reports] are a potential treasure trove
for plaintiffs and their attorneys…for use in civil litigation. This is
particularly true now, in an environment in which banks tend to err on
the side of reporting, rather than ignoring marginal activity. A SAR may
provide a plaintiff with an invaluable roadmap to potential claims
against a bank or its customers and numerous other insights into facts
and conduct that bank management normally considers confidential.”
A Lakatos and M Hanchet, ‘Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity
Reports’ (2007) 124(9) Banking Law Journal 794 at 795
Given their importance in detecting financial crime, what degree of
transparency should the public and investors have, in relation to the
publication of suspicious activity reports and why?

*(no more than 3,500 words including footnote) Be sure to use the
reference format I submitted in the attachment,Make sure this essay is
critical,Line spacing 1.5

Suspicious Activity Reports are a potential treasure trove
for plaintiffs and their attorneys

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